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Elevate Your Well-Being with Certified Wellness Coaching

"Create a life that feels good on the inside, not just one that looks good on the outside."

- Unknown

Wellness & Fitness Coach, Shelly Cutler

Hi, I'm Coach Shelly

Welcome to Strong 4 Body & Mind, the sanctuary for your holistic well-being journey. I'm Shelly Cutler, your certified wellness coach. It's my joy to guide you towards a transformative path to a stronger, healthier, and more vibrant life.

Secluded Fitness Studio

Embrace the Power of Holistic Wellness

True wellness surpasses physical fitness—it embraces the harmony of body and mind. My approach goes beyond workouts; it cultivates a balanced lifestyle nurturing every aspect of your well-being.

What does working together look like?

Certified Expertise

With over 16 years of experience, I bring certifications in Wellness Coaching, Personal & Group Training, Diabetes Prevention, Nutrition, and Cancer Exercise qualifications.

Holistic Approach

Addressing all life dimensions—nutrition, exercise, stress 

management, sleep, relationships, and self-care—we empower you for sustainable lifestyle changes.

Personalized Guidance

Your unique journey deserves a unique plan. I'm your accountability partner, dedicated to keeping you on track and motivated.

Fitness Class


"I have been working out regularly for the last 30+ years. I have honestly never felt so strong and healthy in my life. Shelly’s workouts are challenging but fun and balanced. Not only is she an excellent trainer but she is a awesome human being who really cares about our health."
- Kristin


How We Serve You

Strong 4 Body & Mind caters to your path—recovery, peak performance, or balancing a bustling life. Our services meet you where you are and guides you to where you want to be.

Let's get started

Strong 4 Body & Mind


Wellness for a Balanced Life

True wellness extends beyond the physical. It's nurturing a robust body while cultivating a resilient mind. Our Wellness for Body & Mind program addresses the complete spectrum of well-being, offering a transformative experience beyond traditional fitness routines.

What We Offer: 

Holistic Fitness

Tailored fitness programs aligned with your unique needs and goals—whether recovering, aiming for peak performance, or seeking balance. 

Mindful Living

Beyond physical strength, discover mindfulness practices, stress management, and strategies to enhance mental well-being. 

Nutrition for Vitality

Fuel your body with sustainable, enjoyable eating habits that support your health goals. 

Community Support

Join a community of like-minded individuals. Wellness is a shared endeavor—we’re in this together.

Whether you're a beginner or on a wellness journey, there's a place for you. Ready to prioritize body and mind?



Your Path to Wellness Starts Here

Wellness & Fitness Coach, Shelly Cutler

Health coaching goes beyond fitness—it addresses nutrition, exercise, stress management, sleep, relationships, and self-care. Shelly will collaborate with you to create a customized plan aligning with your goals and lifestyle.

Shelly isn't just a coach; she's your accountability partner.


She is Certified in Wellness Coaching, Personal & Group Training, Diabetes, Nutrition, and Cancer Exercise. Her knowledge will guide you towards a healthier, stronger, and more vibrant life.

During your health coaching journey, Shelly works with you to set realistic goals and create sustainable lifestyle changes. Whether enhancing fitness, recovering from illness, or improving overall well-being, this health coaching program is tailored to meet your individual needs.

More than a program, it's a partnership unlocking your potential for a healthier, happier life. Take the first step towards a better you.


Personal Training Tailored to You

Personal training goes beyond lifting weights or running on a treadmill. It's about understanding your individual needs, addressing your concerns, and creating a workout plan aligning with your lifestyle. With Shelly's expertise, you'll embark on a fitness journey transforming your body and enhancing overall well-being.

Wellness & Fitness Coach, Shelly Cutler

Shelly brings knowledge and experience to your fitness regimen.


ACE Certified, she has demonstrated proficiency in crafting effective workout programs, providing nutritional advice, and guiding individuals of all fitness levels. Whether weight loss, muscle gain, or overall fitness improvement, Shelly is here to help you make it happen.

What Sets Our Personal Training Apart? 

Customized Workouts

No two bodies are the same, and your workout shouldn’t be the exact same as another person’s either. Shelly tailors each session to your unique strengths, challenges, and goals.


Motivation and Support

Beyond exercises, Shelly is your motivator and supporter. She understands the mental aspect of fitness is crucial and is here to inspire you to do things you wouldn't do on your own.

Holistic Approach

Our personal training goes beyond the gym. Shelly incorporates a holistic approach, considering nutrition, lifestyle, and mental well-being for comprehensive fitness.

Ready to take the first step towards a fitter, healthier you? Whether starting from scratch, recovering from an injury, or looking to elevate your fitness routine, Shelly is ready to guide you. Schedule a complimentary 15-minute consultation today.

Personal Training


Fostering Health and Team Spirit at the Workplace

At Strong 4 Body & Mind, we believe a healthy and happy workforce is the backbone of any successful organization. Our Corporate Wellness Coaching & Fitness is designed to bring the benefits of fitness directly to your workplace, promoting physical well-being, mental resilience, and a strong sense of team camaraderie.

Why Corporate Wellness Coaching & Fitness Matters:

Investing in the health of your employees is an investment in the success of your business. Corporate Fitness Classes go beyond traditional wellness programs. They are a dynamic and engaging way to enhance workplace culture, improve productivity, and reduce stress levels.

What We Offer: 

Tailored Fitness Programs

Our experienced instructor, Shelly Cutler, works with your team to create customized individual or group fitness programs. We’ll cater to diverse fitness levels and preferences, from high-energy group workouts to mindfulness sessions.

Flexibility and Convenience

We understand the demands of a busy corporate schedule. Our classes are designed to be flexible, fitting seamlessly into your workday without compromising productivity.

Team Building Through Fitness

Shared fitness experiences build stronger teams. Our classes promote teamwork, communication, and a positive workplace environment.



Your corporate wellness expert


Shelly, an ACE Certified personal trainer and fitness expert, brings her passion for health and wellness to your workplace. With her guidance, your employees will improve their fitness levels and develop healthy habits that contribute to their overall well-being.

Ready to enhance your workplace with Corporate Wellness Coaching & Fitness? Contact us to discuss your company's unique needs. Let's work together for a healthier, happier, more productive work environment.


Corporate Fitness


"Shelly has been incredibly helpful in pushing me to meet my fitness goals. She has
motivated me to compete in various races, and her knowledge of the exercise culture in
Omaha has opened my eyes to additional fun activities that can be shared with others.
Shelly has provided great insight on how to fuel and hydrate for endurance runs and
rides - keeping me safe, and I always feel more confident after speaking with her. Her
enthusiasm for my health and fitness makes me excited to report back my progress
each month."

- Dan

Meet Shelly Cutler, Your Certified Wellness Coach

Hello and welcome to the heart of Strong 4 Body & Mind!


I'm Shelly Cutler, your certified wellness coach and the driving force behind this transformative wellness community. Here's a glimpse into my journey and the principles that guide my approach to holistic well-being. 

A Passionate Pursuit of Wellness
From fitness enthusiast to wellness coach, my journey has been marked by an unwavering passion for health and vitality. With over 16 years of experience, I've evolved from a dedicated fitness instructor to a certified wellness coach, blending my love for movement with a holistic approach to well-being.

Experience and Education
A solid foundation of education and experience backs my commitment to excellence: 

Bachelors of Science Human Development with Minor in Psychology

Precision Nutrition

Recognizing the importance of what we eat and how we feel, I am PN certified, offering nutrition and health coaching to complement your fitness & wellness journey.

ACE Certification

As an ACE (American Council on Exercise) certified professional, I bring expertise in personal and group training, nutritional advice, and motivational speaking.

Additional Certifications

My dedication to wellness has been recognized through the following certifications:

  • Cancer Exercise Specialist

  • Reformer and Mat Pilates

  • TRX Certification

  • MOSSA Instructor Group Ride, Group Power & Group Kick

  • Les Mills Instructor Body Pump, Body Combat & RPM

  • CPR/AED for Adult & Child, First Aid

Speaking Engagements and Accomplishments

  • Presented on Overall Wellness and Personal Choices to all shifts at the Merck Pharmaceutical facility in Durham, North Carolina

  • Presented to administrators, providers and patients at Bergen Mercy Hospital & Nebraska Cancer Specialists about the importance of incorporating movement into the lives of cancer patients. My efforts resulted in the creation of the “movement for longevity” program.

  • Started what has become Stronger Together in coordination with Creighton Women’s Rowing team for women with and recovering from cancer.

Meet Coach Shelly

Life Highlights

My personal and professional life have intersected in remarkable ways:

Mother of Four

As a wife, mother of four children, and guardian for four more, I understand the demands of a busy life. My commitment to wellness stems from the desire to be present for my family while inspiring others to prioritize their health.

Strong 4 Body & Mind

Cancer Survivor

In 2017, I faced a breast cancer diagnosis that became a defining chapter of my life. I conquered challenges through perseverance, fitness, and a robust support system. I continued to teach fitness classes during and after treatments.

My Inspiration

Strong 4 Body & Mind

Strong 4 Body & Mind was birthed from my genuine belief that if we are physically strong, we are mentally strong as well.


I used the number "4" instead of the word “for” to represent our four beautiful children, who I strive to be strong for everyday. Ironically, we were blessed with an additional four kiddos to busy up our home, so I’m doing my darnedest to show them the importance of strength and resolve also. 

If you look closely at my logo, you’ll notice that the center of the number "4" looks like a cross. My faith is the center of everything I do. My faith, family, and fitness have and continue to keep me Strong 4 my Body & Mind.


Get Started Today

I can't wait to work with you to set realistic goals and create sustainable lifestyle changes. 

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