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  • Writer's pictureShelly Cutler

The Surging Interest in Certified Wellness Coaches: Elevating Health and Wellness

Updated: Feb 4

Are you seeking a healthier, stronger, and more balanced life? Recent trends suggest that you’re not alone. In the past week, Google searches for “certified wellness coach” have more than doubled in the United States. This intriguing surge in interest reflects a growing awareness of the importance of holistic health and wellness, something we should all care about.

As someone deeply passionate about health, wellness, and fitness, I’ve followed this rise in curiosity and the need for guidance. The journey from fitness instructor to health coach has allowed me to witness the transformative power of a strong and healthy lifestyle. The surge in searches for certified wellness coaches is a testament to the recognition that optimal health goes beyond physical fitness. It encompasses mental well-being, balanced nutrition, stress management, and more.

Your Certified Wellness Coach: About Me

As a certified wellness coach, I bring expertise and experience to help you improve your health and well-being. My qualifications include several essential certifications, ensuring that I am well-equipped to guide you through the transformative process of holistic wellness.


ACE Certified: I am ACE (American Council on Exercise) certified, which signifies my proficiency in fitness, wellness, and health coaching. This certification acknowledges my personal and group training competence, nutritional advice, and more. With ACE certification, I have the knowledge and skills to design effective fitness programs catering to your unique needs and goals.

PN1 Certified: I am a Precision Nutrition Level 1 (PN1) certified health coach. This certification highlights my expertise in nutrition and health coaching, enabling me to provide comprehensive guidance on nutrition and lifestyle for individuals seeking to improve their overall well-being.

Cancer Exercise Specialist: I also hold the title of a Cancer Exercise Specialist. This certification reflects my dedication to supporting individuals who have experienced cancer, helping them regain their strength and resilience after surgery and treatments. My unique understanding of the challenges faced by cancer survivors allows me to provide tailored guidance for those on their path to recovery.

Certified Diabetes Coach: Additionally, I am a Certified Lifestyle Coach for the National Diabetes Prevention Program, equipped to assist individuals in managing and thriving with diabetes and pre-diabetes. This qualification allows me to provide specialized support and guidance for those dealing with diabetes-related health challenges.

Certified Wellness Coach: As your certified wellness coach, my mission is to assist you in creating a balanced and healthy lifestyle. I work with you to develop personalized plans encompassing all aspects of your life, including nutrition, exercise, stress management, sleep, relationships, and self-care. However, I am not just a planner; I am your accountability partner, dedicated to keeping you on course to achieve your wellness goals.

My combined expertise in fitness, nutrition, cancer recovery, diabetes management, and overall wellness coaching empowers me to guide you on a holistic journey toward a healthier, stronger, and more vibrant life. Together, we can navigate the path to improved well-being, and I’m here to support you every step of the way. 

Inspiring Change and Empowerment

Focusing on behavior change and empowerment sets wellness coaching apart from other health professionals. We don’t diagnose or treat medical conditions. Instead, we empower individuals to do what they can to take charge of their own health. This approach is rooted in the belief that a healthy body leads to a healthy mind, and exercise often serves as a vital catalyst in achieving this equilibrium.


A Personal Journey

My own health journey has been marked by an unexpected challenge that profoundly reinforced my commitment to the philosophy that a healthy body is the cornerstone of a healthy mind. In the fall of 2017, I received a breast cancer diagnosis that would become a defining moment in my life. Facing such a life-altering event can be overwhelming. Still, during this challenging period, I discovered the extraordinary resilience and transformative power that a strong body and mind can provide.


Throughout my battle with cancer, I continued to teach my fitness classes, even after undergoing grueling chemotherapy and radiation treatments. The routine of exercise, the strength of my body, and the unwavering support of those around me became pillars of stability during a tumultuous time. 

This deeply personal experience has etched in me an unwavering commitment to the holistic power of health and wellness. It’s a belief that extends beyond physical fitness, touching upon the mental and emotional aspects of well-being. I’ve walked the path of illness and recovery, and this journey fuels my passion for helping others on their quest for a stronger, healthier, and more resilient life.

Today, as a certified wellness coach and a Cancer Exercise Specialist, I am uniquely equipped to assist those navigating the challenges of post-cancer surgery and treatments. I’ve been where you may be today. I understand the importance of maintaining, or in some cases, regaining, your physical and mental strength. My journey has transformed my professional mission, allowing me to provide fitness guidance, unwavering support, encouragement, and the knowledge that a healthier, stronger life is indeed within reach.

A Safe Place to Begin

The surge in searches for certified wellness coaches demonstrates that more and more people recognize the need to control their health and well-being. I’ve always advocated for prioritizing health, and I understand the demands of a busy life. As a working mother raising eight kids (currently ranging from preschool to adult), I comprehend the juggling act we all engage in. Yet, I also know how essential it is to make time for yourself and prioritize your health.

Whether your goals involve physical achievements, mental well-being, or adopting a healthier diet, a certified wellness coach can be your dedicated partner in achieving them. Feel free to reach out if you’re curious about how personalized guidance and support can improve your health outcomes. We can work together to create a plan that suits your unique needs and goals.

The Journey Begins

The jump in interest in certified wellness coaches signifies a broader shift towards holistic well-being, and it’s a journey that you can start today. Don’t hesitate to take that first step. As Google Trends indicate, now is the time to improve your health and wellness.

Let’s undertake this transformative journey together. Contact me today to schedule a 15-minute chat. It’s free, and there’s no commitment necessary. It’s time to prioritize your health and well-being; together, we can make it happen.


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